Entreprise Service Management and Support

Implementation of coherent strategies to ensure optimal management of corporate services

Entreprise Service Management

Automate and simplify incident, problem, change and service request management with ITSM implementations with ServiceNow, BMC Remedy and Ivanti. Meet your business needs while improving your IT teamʼs user experience and productivity.

We specialize in providing complex project management services to ensure streamlined systems implementations and expert consulting services. Carrying out a systems audit identifies areas of potential and provides company- and sector-specific advice on how to work in line with market best practice. Business process innovation involves finding technological solutions that are consistent with your business objectives and market environment, to improve performance in the areas most critical to your success.

INENI consultants bring in-depth systems knowledge to every project and consultation. In addition to being recognized as trusted advisors to senior management, we excel in the introduction and implementation of the following solutions: IVANTI BMC SERVICENOW MATRIX42 HEAT LANDesk.

The offering includes ITSM services (audit, consulting, implementation, incident management), ITBM solutions to optimize processes, and ITAM to manage business assets. It also offers ITIL CMDB integrations, CMS software to maximize digital assets, and ITOM services to reinforce infrastructure. Finally, training, coaching and end-point management complete the support package.

ITSM with ServiceNow

INENI offers a comprehensive digital workflow management platform, designed to optimize your processes and enrich your customersʼ experience.

Our expertise

Maîtrisez vos coûts et évitez les imprévus
ServiceNow nécessite des développeurs ou consultants expérimentés pour adapter la plateforme à vos processus et assurer son suivi continu. Cela peut conduire votre entreprise à investir temps, efforts et budget dans des fonctionnalités mal alignées avec vos workflows de service.
Atteignez vos objectifs de valeur avec efficacité
ServiceNow nécessite des développeurs ou consultants expérimentés pour adapter la plateforme à vos processus et assurer son suivi continu. Cela peut conduire votre entreprise à investir temps, efforts et budget dans des fonctionnalités mal alignées avec vos workflows de service.
Libérez-vous des contraintes liées aux barrières de sortie
ServiceNow affiche un taux de rétention de 99 %, souvent lié à des contrats complexes avec des périodes de blocage et des renégociations nécessitant parfois lʼintervention de spécialistes. Nous vous aidons à éviter ces complications grâce à des solutions claires, adaptées et sans contraintes inutiles.
Simplifiez votre parcours avec des solutions claires
ServiceNow segmente ses offres sur différentes suites, obligeant parfois les entreprises à racheter des fonctionnalités déjà acquises. Étendre les services à dʼautres départements comme les RH ou les finances nécessite souvent des contrats distincts et des implémentations coûteuses. Nous simplifions ces processus pour vous éviter ces contraintes.
Bénéficiez de services matures sans complexité inutile
La complexité de ServiceNow dans la gestion des workflows peut freiner lʼajout de nouveaux composants à mesure que votre organisation évolue. Même des actions simples peuvent nécessiter des scripts, ralentissant ainsi vos mises à niveau. Chez INENI, nous simplifions ce processus pour une évolution fluide de vos workflows.
Évitez les implémentations interminables
Votre moteur de service doit être opérationnel immédiatement, sans retards coûteux liés à des mises en œuvre prolongées. Avec ServiceNow, les courbes d'apprentissage peuvent ralentir la fourniture d'expériences de service. Chez INENI, nous assurons une mise en œuvre rapide et efficace, pour une expérience optimale dès le départ.

ITSM Avec ServiceNow

INENI propose une plateforme de gestion des workflows numériques complète, conçue pour optimiser vos processus et enrichir lʼexpérience de vos clients.

Grâce à notre expertise

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Control costs and avoid unforeseen events

Your ServiceNow expenditure may be well below your expectations, but time-consuming, costly implementations and labor-intensive maintenance are likely to exceed your budget and reduce your return on investment.

Achieve your value objectives efficiently

ServiceNow requires experienced developers or consultants to adapt the platform to your processes and ensure its ongoing monitoring. This can lead your company to invest time, effort and budget in features that are poorly aligned with your service workflows.

Free yourself from the constraints of exit barriers

ServiceNow boasts a 99% retention rate, often linked to complex contracts with lock-in periods and renegotiations sometimes requiring specialist intervention. We help you avoid these complications with clear, tailored solutions that are free of unnecessary constraints.

Simplify your journey with clear solutions

ServiceNow segments its offerings into different suites, sometimes forcing companies to purchase acquired functionality. Extending services to dʼother departments such as HR or finance often requires separate contracts and costly implementations. We simplify these processes so you don't have to.

Benefit from mature services without unnecessary complexity

The complexity of ServiceNow's workflow management workflows can slow down the addition of new components as your organization evolves. Even simple actions can require scripts, slowing down your upgrades. At INENI, we simplify this process for a smooth evolution of your workflows.

Avoid lengthy implementations

Your service engine needs to be up and running immediately, without costly delays due to prolonged implementation. With ServiceNow, learning curves can slow down the delivery of service service experiences. At INENI, we ensure fast and efficient implementation, for an optimal experience right from the start.

IT project management

At INENI, IT project management is based on a structured and rigorous approach to ensure the success of your technological initiatives.

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    We define objectives, establish a clear schedule and identify the resources resources to ensure that every project starts on a solid footing. solid foundations.
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    Our expert teams coordinate tasks, supervise developments and manage any obstacles to keep the project on track.
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    Monitoring and control

    We constantly monitor project progress, adjust priorities if necessary if necessary, and make sure we stay on time and on budget.

Ready to entrust your project to us?

Incident or problem management

We help companies minimize the impact of unplanned incidents on their day-to-day operations by providing effective incident and problem management. We intervene quickly to resolve interruptions, guaranteeing business continuity and reducing the risks associated with breakdowns or malfunctions.


We identify underlying problems, record symptoms and provide workarounds to ensure rapid recovery. Thanks to our proactive approach, we avoid recurrences and optimize incident management to maintain maximum system performance.

Incident management process

Work flexibly and at your convenience

Provide a cost-effective incident management solution

Introduce current knowledge and expertise to provide rapid solutions

Advise on improvements to avoid further system problems.

Create immediate solutions for critical business needs

Provide a cost-effective incident management solution

Training and user support

We offer training to help users quickly adopt digital tools and new technologies, with ongoing support to ensure optimal operation and resolve technical issues.


Our consultants can also help you align your IT solutions with your strategic objectives to maximize their impact and meet your challenges.

Why choose INENI?

Responsiveness and clarity

Finding simple solutions to complex problems is essential. INENI can help you quickly simplify the most complex challenges and transform them into clear concepts and a coherent vision.

Making the right choices

Once you've defined your vision, it's time to map out the path to get there. We help you build a solid business case and develop a strategy aligned with your objectives.

Get membership

To drive change within your organization, a solid foundation is essential, whether at strategic or operational level. INENI is with you every step of the way to ensure a successful transition.
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Contact us to take advantage of our tailor-made offers!

+221 77 983 77 77